中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson5 : [関係代名詞 前置詞をマスターしよう!]

A : 関係代名詞  ①「 whose 」②「 what 」③「which  , who 」非制限用法
B : 前置詞 with の使い方

A 関係代名詞

whose の使い方     

I know a boy.  His father is a lawyer.
I know a boy whose father is a lawyer.

what の使い方

what = the thing which
What I want now is a computer. = The thing which I want is a

which,who の使い方

Mr. A has two sons who are teachers.
Aさんには先生をする息子が2人いる。(他にも息子がいる可能性がある )
Mr. A has two sons, who are teachers.
Aさんには2人息子がいて先生です。(   息子は2人だけ )

B 前置詞 with の使い方

with my family

家族と一緒に  (~と一緒に)
a girl with blue eyes 青い目の   (~をもった)
with a pen ペンで     (  手段、道具)
with the door open ドアを開けて    ( 付帯状況 )


10. ホワイト先生は、来週学校を去る予定ですが、私は何をあげたらいいかしら?
11. 私は彼女にメモを渡して、彼女はそれをすぐにポケットに入れました。
12. ナンシーという名の女性に私は初めて会いましたが、彼女は会議で発表をしました。

正解と解説 :

1. Ms. Jones has a daughter whose name is Lucy.
2. My uncle has a dog whose favorite food is fish.
3. I searched the Internet for songs whose title includes the word “ winter.”
4. He found the book whose cover is red on the shelf.  
    whose+名詞=the 名詞+of which
    He found the book the cover of which is red on the shelf.  付帯状況のwith でも表せます。
    He found the book with the red cover on the shelf.
5. What I told you yesterday was a secret between us.
6. This is what he wrote in his school days.
7. I can`t believe what happened last night.
8. Always listen to what your teachers say.
9. What shall I give Ms. White who will leave this school next week?    
10. What shall I give Ms. White, who will leave this school next week?
11.  I slipped her a note, which she put in her pocket at once.
12.  A woman named Nancy, who(m) I met for the first time, gave a presentation at the meeting.

テストに出るかも?  理解度確認テスト


Guernica measures ①( たて3,5メートル、横7,8メートル). ( ② )Picasso often used many colors in his other ③works, Guernica is not (  ④  ). ⑤He used black, white and gray tones, which give Guernica a sad mood. (   ⑥  )people first see this huge painting, they may think, “ ⑦What a strange painting! “ or “ ⑧What do these objects symbolize? “
 There are also many small symbols in the painting. First, ⑨what is shown ⑩( 左側 )of  the picture is a cow. ⑪It looks sad. ⑫What has made the cow look sad is the woman ⑬( 前 ) of it. She is holding a ⑭( die )child in her arms.

① 英語にしましょう。
②⑥ それぞれ接続詞が入ります。適語を入れましょう。
③ 訳は?
④ (  )に入る適語を選びましょう。
    a.  beautiful     b.  color     c.  dark      d.  colorful
⑤ 関係代名詞の非制限用法に注意をして訳しましょう。
⑦⑧⑨⑫ 同じ使い方の「what 」はどれでしょう?
⑩⑬ 英語にしましょう。
⑭ 適切な形に変えましょう。
⑮ Answer the following questions in English.
    a.  Even though Picasso used black, white and gray tones, why is Guernica not colorful?
    b.  What has made the cow look sad?

正解と解説 :
① 3.5 meters high and 7.8 meters wide
②⑥ Though
③ 作品
④ d
⑤ 彼は黒、白、そして灰色を使い、その色合いがゲルニカを悲しみに包んだ。
⑦⑧⑨⑫ ⑨と⑫関係代名詞です。
⑦は感嘆文 ⑧は疑問詞
⑩ on the left side
⑬ in front of
⑭ dead  dieの形容詞形
⑮ a.  Because those tones give Guernica a sad mood.
    b.  The woman in front of the cow has.

Next, there is a horse in the terrible pain (① 真ん中 ) of the picture. ( ② )body is (③ ばらばら  ),and it has a wound in ( ②  ) side. The poor horse also has a knife in ( ②  ) back. There are other (④  hide  ) images, too. One view is that the horse is a symbol of how war (  ⑤   ) everything. ( ⑥ 右側に    ), there is a fire. Someone is (  ⑦  ) in the fire. Both his hands are ( ⑧  ) in the air. There are other lights and animals in the picture. ( ⑨ other symbols, are, who, there are, of war and destruction, also, have died, soldiers, and,  ). While feelings about the pictu

① 英語で表しましょう。
② 共通して入る単語1語を書きましょう。
③ 英語で表しましょう。( 2語 )
④ 適切な形にしましょう。
⑤ 適語はどれでしょうか?
    a.  clears       b.  destroy       c. hits         d.  destroys
⑥ 英語で表しましょう。
⑦ 適語はどれでしょうか?
    a.  trap         b.  train         c. trapped     d.  trained
⑧ 適語はどれでしょうか?
    a.  raise        b.  rose          c. rise          d.  raised
⑨ 並び替えて意味の通る英文にしましょう。
⑩ 適語はどれでしょうか?
    a.  very         b.  bury         c. vary         d. varied
⑪ 同じ名詞1語が入ります。
⑫ 「戦争反対の」という意味になるよう2語を入れましょう。
⑬ Answer the following questions in English.
    a.  Where is a horse in terrible pain?
    b.  What does the horse symbolize?
    c.  What is Picasso`s message?

正解と解説 :
① in the middle of
② its   (  it`s と混同しないように )
③ in pieces
④ hidden 「 隠れた」という意味 形容詞的に使用される過去分詞
⑤ d       主語はwar で 単数です。
⑥ On the right side
⑦ c
⑧ d   rise 上がる、 raise 上げる、手は上げられるので、raised のd が正解。
⑨ There are also soldiers who have died and other symbols of war and destruction
⑩ c       feelings は複数扱いですので vary が正解です。
⑪ person
⑫ against war
⑬ a.  It is in the middle of the picture.
    b.  It symbolizes how war destroys everything.
    c.  It is against war.

During World War Ⅱ , a German officer pointed ( ②  ) a picture of Guernica and asked, “ ③Did you do that? “ Picasso looked at him and said, “ No, you did. “What did Picasso mean? Surely the officer`s question meant, “   ④     ? “ However ,Picasso`s
answer meant, “ ⑤the destruction, this picture , from war, what, symbolizes, is, . “ Your country bombed this poor little village called Guernica. This is your (  ⑥    ).

① 読み方を書きましょう。
② 前置詞を入れましょう。
③ that の意味を詳しく説明して訳しましょう。
④ 役人の質問の意味する質問文を書きましょう。
⑤ 並び替えて正しい意味の通る文章にして訳しましょう。
⑦ Answer the following questions in English.
    a.  When did Picasso and a German officer meet ?
    b.  What does Guernica symbolize?
    c.  Who bombed the village called Guernica?

正解と解説 :
① World War the second
② at
③ あなたがこの絵を描いたのか?
④ Did you paint this picture
⑤ What this picture symbolizes is the destruction from war.
    この絵が象徴するものは戦争による破壊です。関係代名詞のwhat です。
⑥ fault
⑦ a.   During World War Ⅱ
    b.   It symbolizes the destruction from war.
    c.   Germany did.

      Picasso ( ①a ) in 1973 ②at the age of 91. He never had a chance to see a truly free Spain. Even after his ( ①b  ), the staff of MoMA (  ③  ) his wishes and ④kept to refuse to return the painting. Then General Franco (  ①c  ) in 1975. After his (  ①d  ), Spain finally became free.
      Guernica ⑤has been displayed at museums (  ⑥  ) the world. It (  ⑦ ) to (  ⑧   ) people`s strong desire ( ⑨ ) peace. A happy ending came in 1981. Guernica went home to a peaceful Madrid. ( ⑩   )
Picasso is gone, Guernica (  ⑪  ). The painting (  ⑦   ) to speak of peace to everyone ( ⑧  ) comes to see ⑫it.

① a~d  単語「die 」を文に合わせて適当な形に変えましょう。
② when で始まる文章に書き換えましょう。
③ 適語を選びましょう。
    a.  allow    b.  follow    c.  blow      d.  followed
④ 間違い箇所が一か所あります。どれでしょうか?
⑤ 同じ使い方の現在完了形はどれでしょうか?
    a.  Have you ever been to Kyoto?
    b.  The job has been finished.
    c.  The song has been sung.
⑥ 「世界中で」という意味になる前置詞を補いましょう。
⑦ 「~し続ける」という意味の動詞を入れましょう。Cで始まります。
⑧ 適語を選びましょう。
    a.  explain   b.  expect   c.  express    d.  except
⑨ 適切な前置詞を入れましょう。
⑩ 適切な接続詞を選びましょう。
    a.  When     b.  As       c.   While    d.  Even though
⑪ 適語を選びましょう。
    a.  whom     b. which     c.    who
⑫ it は何のことでしょうか?
⑬ Answer the following questions in English.
    a.  When did Spain become free?
    b.  Where has Guernica been displayed ?
    c.  Where did Guernica go in 1981?

正解と解説 :
① a.  died  ,    b.  death  ,  c.  died       d.  death
② when he was 91.
③ d  「 従った」
④ to refuse ではなく refusing が正解です。 keep + ing です。
⑤ c    a, 経験  b. 完了  c. 継続
⑥ around
⑦ continue
⑧ a  「 説明する 」
⑨ for
⑩ d  「たとえ~~であっても」
⑪ 関係代名詞 who
⑫ Guernica
⑬ a.  After General Franco died.
    b.  It has been displayed at museums around the world.
    c.  It went home to a peaceful Madrid.


handout, spell, blank, mark, underline, hand in, pass out, fill in, in order, recommend, pop, title, bookshelf,hood, sausage, Scotland, stomach, produce, laboratory, laptop, put off, memory, energy, goods, presentation,slip, population, industry, create, huge, prayer, bomb, internationally, within, protest, complete, enormous,announcement, disagreement, measure, wide, mood, cow, wound, destroy, in pieces, trap, soldier,
destruction, vary, officer, surely, mean-meant, fault, desire, ending, peaceful, live on, spill, spoil, waterfall,valley, peninsula, bay, shore,


★ 関係代名詞  whose, what,  カンマwhich,   カンマwho, の使い方
★ 前置詞     with の使い方



SINCE 1985
