中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson3 : [ 奥が深~い、助動詞あれこれ。]

Lesson3の学習ポイント 奥が深~い、 助動詞あれこれ。

★  助動詞を含む英作問題を解いて、定着率を確認しましょう。

1.  あなたは輸送料を払う必要ないです。
2. 私は、アメリカ人日本人親の、子供を励ます方法の違いに気付かずにはいられなかった。
3. 夜中の運転では、注意しすぎてしすぎる事はありません。
4 彼の無礼な振る舞いにあなたが怒るのももっともです。
5. 別の店をトライした方が良いだろう。
6. ジャックに話をするなら、壁に話をした方がましだ。
7. 私は、家にいるよりもむしろ出かけたいです。
8. Janeが暑いと文句を言うのももっともです。
9. 各個人個人にあったスタイルを取り入れる事を私は提案します。
10. 彼はお金がすぐに払われることを要求した。

正解と解説 :

1. You need not pay for the shipping.                  助動詞needは、否定、疑問文で使用される。

I couldn`t help noticing the difference in how American and Japanese parents encourage their children.

= can`t help but notice

3. You cannot be too careful when you drive at night.  
4. You may well get angry at his rude behavior .  
5. You may ( might ) as well try another shop.  
6. You may ( might ) as well talk to a wall as talk to Jack. may as well A as B
7. I` d rather go out than stay at home. would rather A than B
8. It`s natural that Jane should complain of the hot weather. should の特別用法
9. I suggest that an appropriate style ( should ) be adopted for each individual. should の特別用法
10. He demanded that the money ( should  ) be paid at once. should の特別用法

 テストにでるかも?  定着度確認問題


Having been (  1  ) by Japanese parents and having lived in the United States① I couldn`t help(  2  ) the difference in (  3   ) American and Japanese parents praise or encourage their children. I ( 4  ) like all my American friends were always (   5   ) with elaborate compliments and (  6   )everyday for (   7    ) achievements, (  8   ) I got (  9  ) or no praise even for (  10  ) academic success.

〔Ⅰ〕、1~9に当てはまる適語を選択肢の中から選びましょう。 なお、動詞は文意に適するように形を変えましょう。

little ,  raise ,  shower ,  how ,  notice ,  feel  , encourage ,  while ,  minor ,  significant


〔Ⅲ〕、Answer the following questions in English.
            a. )  Has the author ever lived in the United States?
            b. )  Did the author get praise for minor achievements?

正解と解説 :

1. raised  育てられた
2. noticing can`t help + 動詞ing
3. how 名詞節を作る接続詞 how
4 felt feel like、  文意は過去形で進んでいます。
5. showered 受動態
6. encouragements encourage を名詞形 にしましょう。
7. minor  
8. while 一方で、 という接続詞
9. little ほとんど褒められなかった、という意味
10. significant 大切な、重要な、

As I have been raised by Japanese parents and lived in the United States,

a.)  Yes, she has.      b.)  No, she didn`t.

( 1 ) my friends and I took home our report cares, my friend ( 2 ) get a big hug and ( encourage③)comments from her (   4   ), such as, “    5     ” or “ I     6     “ So I (assume⑦ ) she was getting straight A`s on her report card, but it ( 8 ) ( 8 ) her (  9   ) were only B`s. But because her parents frequently recognized and praised her efforts, she always felt (  10  ) about herself. Even today, as an adult,she is (  11  ) and never (  12  ) to try new things. ( 13  )(13  ), my parents ( 2  )always say, “ もっと勉強するべきだったのに。⑭“ or “ You have to do better next time, ( 15 ) ( 15 ) what grades I got. ( 16  ) (16 ) I Got A`s, they (  2  ) always criticize me for the B`s. Why couldn`t they give me guidance or show me
affection ( 16 )? Didn`t they love me? I always felt like I had to work harder ( 14  ) ( 14  ) what level I was at. I still feel that way today. And while this upbringing has enabled me to become a diligent, hard-working adult. I`m always (   17   ) (  17   ) try new things because I luck self-esteem.⑱

    a)  While ,       b)  Every time       c)  Because       d)   Although






⑦ 適切な時制にしましょう。


    a)   tests          b)   homework       c)  grades

10. 適語を選びましょう。
    a)   confidence     b)   confident        c)  confidency

11. 適語を選びましょう。
    a)   ambition       b)  spiritual         c)  ambitious

12. 適語を選びましょう。
    a)   willing         b)  courageous       c)  afraid

13.  「その一方で」 、という意味の接続詞は? ( 2語 )

⑭.  英作しましょう

15.  「~にもかかわらず」 という意味の熟語は? ( 2語 )

16.  適語を選びましょう。
    a)   If              b)  Although        c)  Even if

17.  「いやいや~する」という熟語は?

18.   この文章に間違いが一か所あります。どれでしょうか?

正解と解説 :
1. b   ~する時はいつも、=  whenever
2. would
③.encouraging   「勇気付ける」という現在分詞
4. her parents
5. That`s great!  That`s it!  Well done! 等色々あります。p50  をよく読んでみましょう。
6. I`m proud of you.  I knew you could do it.
⑦.had assumed
8. turned out
9. c
10. b    S+V+Cの構文ですので、形容詞のconfident
11. c     S+V+Cの構文ですので、形容詞のambitious
12. c
13. In contrast,
⑭. You should have studied harder.
15. regardless of
16. c    たとえ私がAをとっても、
17. reluctant to
18. luck (運)ではなくlack (欠ける)が正しい単語スペルです。

     In fact, my American boss communicated with me in a subtle① way. She once told me that I would be perfect at my job if I learned how to write grants②, pointing out the one skill I lacked. Her comment made me feel that she valued me as a person and recognized my strengths in other areas. ( 3  meet,  made,  want,  also,  her expectations,  It,  to , me ,   ).That one comment ( 4  ) our bond. If she say⑤, “  you`re never going to be a good employee unless you (  6  ) (  6  ) do this,” I would have felt rejected. ( 7  ), whenever I worked at Japanese companies, my Japanese bosses would⑩ generally ( 8  ) on pointing out my ( 9 ). They would ⑩( 11 ) mention my strengths. This communication style was difficult for me ( 12 ),but it pushed me to work hard ( 13 ) and ultimately helped me achieving my goals.⑭
     These two styles of communication both have their ( 15 ) and ( 15 ). While⑯ my 10 years as a teacher,I have learned that each person responds ( 17 ) to (  17  ) styles of encourage⑱. Some people may need encourage⑱ to give them motivation and confidence because they feel ( 19 ).people may get overly confident from too much encourage,⑱、and may stop to try.⑳
      I suggest that an appropriate style ( 21 ) adopted for each individual with consideration to cultural differences, because there is no formula that fits everyone. And I think it`s essential that parents and bosses ( 22  )know the personality of the person they are ( 23 ), and choose the right method to help
the individual`s personal and professional ( 24 ).

① bの音は発音しますか、しませんか?

② 直接話法に書き換えましょう。


4. 適語はどれでしょうか?
    a. )  strong               b, )   cut                    c, )   strengthened

⑤ 正しい時制に変えましょう。

6. ~するようになる、という意味の熟語は?( 現在形 )

7. 一方で、という意味の接続詞は? ( 4語 )

8. 適当な動詞はどれでしょうか?
    a. )  focus                 b. )  insist                   c.  )   rely

9. 適語を入れましょう。
    a. )  beauty               b. )  weaknesses              c,  )   strengths

10. 助動詞 would  の使い方が同じ文章はどれでしょうか?
    a. )  They would never take my advice.
    b. )  They said that they would go.
    c. )  They would often go camping.

11. 文意から適語を選びましょう。
    a. )  sometimes           b. )  rarely                    c.  )   often

12. 適語を選びましょう。
    a. )  superficially          b. )  emotionally              c. )    reasonably

13. いつも, という意味の3語の副詞は?

⑭ 間違いが一か所あります。どれでしょうか?

15. それぞれの(  )に入る単語の組み合わせはどれが適当でしょうか?
    a. )  weakness , strength   b, )  advantages, disadvantages    c. )  cause , effect

⑯ 正しい単語に直しましょう。

17.(  )に入る正しい単語の組み合わせはどれでしょう?
    a. )  strongly , strong       b. )  similarly ,  similar           c.)  differently,  different

⑱ 正しい形に変えましょう。

19. 文意を考えて適語を入れましょう。
    a. )  superior               b. )  awful                        c. )  inferior

⑳   間違いはどれでしょう?

21. 抜けている助動詞、動詞を入れましょう。

22. 省略されている助動詞を補いましょう。

23.  適語を選びましょう。
    a. )  talking to              b. )  criticize                       c. )  criticizing

24.  適語を選びましょう。
    a. )  confidence             b. )  grow                          c. )  growth

正解と解説 :
1. 発音しません。  tomb,  comb,  debt,  dumb, doubt のbも黙字で発音しません。
2. She once said to me, “ You would be perfect at your job if you learned how to write grants.”
    「 」内の内容は仮定法故、時制の一致には当てはまりません。時制はそのまま。
    I は you , my は your, に書き換えましょう。
3. It also made me want to meet her expectations.
4. c
5. had said,  仮定法過去完了 ですね。
6. learn to
7. On the other hand
8. a          focus on ~に集中する
9. c
10. c          would は、a強い意志、b時制の一致でwillの過去形、c過去の習慣
11. b
12. b
13. all the time
14. achieving ではなくachieve .   help+人+ ( to )動詞の原型
15. b
16. During    While + S + V ですね。
17. c
18. encouragement
19. c
20. stop trying. が正解です。 stop to try. は、tryするために立ち止る、になります。
21. should be   が正解です。  定着率チェック問題の9,10,の文です。
22. should      が正解です。 定着率チェック問題の8 の文です。
23. c
24. c


cannot help + ing,  shower,  elaborate,  compliment,  encouragement,  minor,  significant,  academic, hug,  assume,  turn out,  frequently,  ambitious,  in contrast, guidance,  affection, upbringing,  enable, diligent, hard-working, reluctant, lack, self-esteem, constantly, criticism, distinct resort to~, threat, jobless, homeless, meanwhile, reachable, fulfill, strength, weakness, ensure,smooth, conceit, administrator, workshop, administration, appreciate, commitment, cooperation, leadership,punctual, acknowledge, effective, subtle, point out, expectation, bond, employee, generally, focus, emotionally, advantage, disadvantage, respond, differently, motivation, overly, individual,   
with consideration, formula, essential, personality, method, personal, growth, feel like+ S + V, every time = whenever, in contrast,  meanwhile, on the other hand, regardless of~. unless,


★ 助動詞の慣用表現
★ that 節の中の 助動詞 should
★ Light travels much faster than sound. 比較級を強める語句、much, far, by far, a lot,
★ I`ll pick you up unless it snows. Unless = if not で表せる場合もある。(if it doesn`t snow. )



SINCE 1985
