中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson2 : [ 話法と時制の一致・強調構文]

Lesson2の学習ポイント 話法 と 時制の一致 ・ 強調構文

★ 直接話法、間接話法  ・・・・  今一度復習しましょう。

① マリーが私に「 明日コンサートに行くの。」と言いました。 直接話法 「 」がある。
② マリーが私に、明日コンサートに行くのと言いました。 間接話法 「 」がない。
    日本語では「  」があるかないか、が大きな違いです。しかし、

英語では、「  」の内容によって ①動詞、接続詞の変換、②時制の一致、③語句の変換 が必要です。

A,Mary said to① me, “ I③  will② go to the concert tomorrow③. “
B,Mary told me that she  would go to the concert the next day.



a.  Greenさんが「私はこの本を昨日買った。」と言った。
b. TomがIrenanに「あなたは気を付けるべきです。」と言った。
c. Kenが私に「明日の午後、家にいますか?」と言った。
d. Redさんが私に「あなたのお兄さんはどこに住んでいますか?」と言った。
e. Kateさんが私達に「これらの椅子を美術室に持って行って。」と言った。
f. Johnが彼の弟に「うるさくするな。」と言った。
g. Benが私に「今度の日曜日に、サイクリングに行こう」と言った。
h. 山田先生が生徒に「私の言う事を聞いてください。」と言った。
i. AnnがHanaに「少しお金を貸してくれない?」と言った。
j. Mikiが「これはなんて美しい鳥なの!」と言った。
k. Mikiが「これはなんて美しい鳥なの!」と言った。
l. Yukiが「今は忙しいけど、日曜日には映画に行きます。」と言った。

正解と解説 :


Mr.Green said to me,” I bought this book yesterday.”

Mr.Green told me that he had bought that book the day before.

「  」内が肯定文の場合は、say to~ は tell ~,

「  」内の主語は I  は he に。this は that に。

「  」を外した故に、時制の一致で bought は had bought に。

時間の表示の仕方が変化します。この場合 yesterday  は the day before.


Tom said to Irean, “You should be careful. “

Tom told Irena that she should be careful.


Ken said to me, “ Will you be at home tomorrow afternoon?

Ken asked me if ( whether ) I would be at home the following afternoon.

「  」内が疑問文の場合は、say to~~は ask~, 動詞は say to~ はaskに。

「  」を外した場合、「  」内が疑問文の場合、接続詞は、that ではなくて if  か  whether

tomorrow afternoon は the following afternoonに。

「  」内は、S + V に並べ替えて、時制も will を would  に時制一致させる。


Mr. Red said to me, “ Where does your brother live? “

Mr. Red asked me where my brother lived.

「  」内は、疑問詞 where で始まる疑問文。「  」を外したら where + S + V , your は his

時制の一致で、live は 過去形に。


Mrs. Kate said to us , “ Take these chairs to the art room. “

Mrs. Kate told us to take those chairs to the art room.

「  」内は命令文。接続詞は使わず、to + 動詞。say to~はtell~,  these  は those に。


John said to his brother, “ Don`t be noisy. “

John told his brother not to be noisy.

「  」内は否定命令文。e同様,接続詞は使わず not to + 動詞。で表す。


Ben said to me, “ Let`s go cycling next Sunday. “

Ben suggested to me that we ( should ) go cycling the following Sunday.

「  」内がLet`s 構文。動詞は suggest +人+that + we ( should ) ~~に。


Mr. Yamada said to the students, “ Please listen to me. “

Mr. Yamada asked the students to listen to him.

「  」内がお願い文。動詞はask に変更。お願い部分はto不定詞であらわす。me =山田さん,故him.


Ann said to Hana, “ Will you lend me some money? “

Ann asked Hana to lend her some money.

「  」内がWill you~~?のお願い文。ask + 人+ to不定詞に。


Miki said, “ What a beautiful bird this is! “

Miki exclaimed what a beautiful bird that was.

「  」内が感嘆文。動詞 exclaim + 感嘆文。時制の一致、this は that に、お忘れなく。


Ben said to me, “ I`ll call you when I arrive at the station. “

Ben told me that he would call me when he arrived at the station.

「  」内には副詞節があります。(when I ~~.)2か所の時制の一致を忘れずに。


Yuki said, “ I`m busy now, but I`ll go to a movie on Sunday.”

Yuki said ( that ) she was busy then, but that she would go to a movie the following Sunday.

「  」内の内容が、and, but で結ばれてる場合は、but の後のthat 、2か所の時制一致 は忘れずに。

★ 強調構文  It ~~~~ that.
Jack heard the new last Monday.
Jack を強調する文章 ・・・    It was Jack that heard the news last Monday.
last Monday を強調する文章・・・   It was last Monday that Jack heard the news.
強調したい部分を It ~~~  that で挟む。

テストに出るかも?  復習問題 1,2,3

★ : 長文3題を読んで、設問に答えましょう。

  As the Nazis took over the country, persecution of the Jewish people, which (  1   ) already (  1   ) in Germany, started in Poland, too.  All Jewish people , (  r~~2  ) (  2  )their age or sex, ______3________ in certain areas of the cities (  4   )as ghettos. They _______5________ the ghettos and any who tried to do so were killed⑥.
        Conditions in the ghettos were very bad. Many of the Jewish people suffered ( 7 ) starvation and disease. As the Nazis regarded the Jewish ( 8 ) an inferior⑨ race, little was done to help done. However, there was a fear ( 10 ) disease might spread from the ghettos to the outside.

1.)(  )に入る適語を選びましょう。
    a) has  started
    b) have  started
    c) had started
2.) ~にもかかわらず という意味の語句は?
3.) 住む事を強制された。 という意味になるように英作しましょう。
4.) 適語を選びましょう。
    a) know
    b) knowing c) known
5.) 住む事を禁止された。という意味になるように英作しましょう。
6.) 下線部を能動態にしましょう。
7.) 前置詞は?
8.) 前置詞は?
9.) 反対語は?
10. ) 適語を選びましょう。
    a ) which b ) where c ) that

正解と解説 :
1. ) c     過去の前の出来事故に過去完了形
2. ) regardless of
3. ) were made to live   使役動詞make の受動態は be + made + to~~
4. ) c ghettosとして知らる ので 過去分詞のknown
5. ) were forbidden to live
6. ) they killed any who tried to do so.  主語が省略されているので主語をtheyにして英作。
7. ) as regard A as B   ・・・AをBとみなす。
8. ) from suffer from ~~~・・・~に苦しむ。
9. ) superior ~より優れた
10. ) c fear を説明する 同格のthat

 To help the weak and innocent① was something that she had learned from her father. Irena`s father, a doctor, had died treating poor Jewish patients in an epidemic in 1917.  He once said to her, “ If you ever see someone drowning, you must jump into the water and try to save them②. You must do this even if you cannot swim.” Irena realized later that he had told her that she must always help the weak, even if she thought she was weak herself.③ Now in Ghetto, Irena was able to ( 4  ) this ( 4   ) (   4   ).
    Some of the weakest people in the ghettos were the children and Irena and several others decided to save the children.⑤ This was extremely risky and extremely difficult. First, all exits from the ghetto were watched. Second, anyone ( 6 ) was thoroughly searched. (  7  ), anyone ( catch )⑧ helping Jewish people was shot. Irena and several others decided that (   9   ) this they would work together to take children
Secretly out of the ghetto to safety.

1 ) 意味は?
2 ) 間接話法に書き換えましょう。
3 ) 直接話法に書き換えましょう。
4 ) これを実行に移す。 という意味の熟語を入れましょう。
5 ) the childrenを強調する文章に書き換えましょう。
6 ) 適語を入れましょう。
    a) leave
    b)  leaving
    c) left
7 ) 適語を入れましょう。
    a) However
    b) Finally c) Otherwise
8 ) 文意に合うように形を変えましょう。
9 ) ~にもかかわらず  という意味の語句 3語 書きましょう。
10  ) 文意に合っているものはどれでしょうか?
    a) Irena`s father , a doctor, died treating poor Jewish students in an epidemic in 1917.
    b)  Irena`s father told Irena to help the weak and innocent.
    c)  Irena`s father told her to save the drowning man even if she couldn`t swim.

正解と解説 :
1 ) 弱くて罪のない者。 the + 形容詞=人、モノ、を表す。
2 ) He once told her (that) if she ever saw someone drowning, she must jump into the water and try to save them.  said to~=told her,  see は時制一致でsaw,  that節の中のyouはshe .
3 ) he had said to her, “ you must always help the weak even if you think you are weak yourself.”
had told her=had said to her,  she thought=you think ,  she was weak=you are weak.
4 ) put ( this ) into practice
5 ) it was the children that Irena and several others decided to save.  It~~that 強調構文
6 ) b・・立ち去る者 という意味の現在分詞
7 ) b・・First , Second, と話が展開されています。
8 ) caught ・ 捕まってしまったanyone  という意味の過去分詞
9 ) in spite of
10 ) c ・・ a、学生を助けてはいません。b,イレーナのお父さんが彼女に話をしたとは書かれていません。

Irena`s lack did not last much longer.① In 1943 she was arrested by the Nazis.②They questioned her about the Jewish children, but she told them nothing. They tortured her, but even under immense pain and suffering she still wouldn`t③ tell them anything at all. Finally, her friends came to the rescue.④In exchange for money, one of her guard agreed to make her escape.⑤ For her own safety she was ( 6  ), but even from her ( 7  ) place she still (  8  )help children. It is said that she ultimately helped some 2,500 children.

1 )下線部の中に一か所間違いがあります。どれでしょうか?
2 ) 能動態に書き換えましょう。
3 ) このwould の使い方と同じものはどれでしょうか?
    a She would often play the piano when she was a child.
    b  I would like to have a cup of tea.
    c she would have her own way against my will.
4 ) rescue を動詞にして書き換えましょう。
5 ) 下線部の中にニか所間違いがあります。どれでしょうか?
67) hide を文意にあう形に変えましょう。
8 ) 適語はどれでしょうか?
    a) fail to
    b) asked to c) managed to
9 ) sheを主語にして書き換えましょう。
10  ) 次の疑問文に英語一文で答えましょう。
    Why did Irena succeed in making an escape?

正解と解説 :
1 ) lack ではなく luck  です。
2 ) The Nazis arrested her.
3 ) c
     a、過去の習慣   b.丁寧語のwould             c. 強い意志
4 ) Her friends came to rescue her.
5 ) guard ではなく guards. 何人かいるguardsの中の一人。
    make  ではなく let  です。どちらも使役動詞ですが、make は強制。let は許可。
67) 6・・hidden  かくまわれていた。(受動態)  7・・隠れ場所 (現在分詞)
8 ) a
9 ) She is said to have ultimately helped some 2.500 children.
10 ) Because her friends gave some money to one of her guards ,which enabled her to escape.
    Because her guards, given some money by her friends, let her escape.
    ecause の書き出し、気を付けましょう。

重要単語、熟語 のまとめ

invade,  invasion.  break out,  take over,  regardless of~,  forbid,  starvation,  regard A as B, infection,  monitor,  turn one`s back on~~,  be eager to do,  innocent,  epidemic,  put ~ into practice,  extremely,  risky,  thoroughly,  safety,  pile,  trunk,  continuously,  torture,  immense,  come to the rescue,  in exchange for~, ultimately,  religious,  institution,  adopt,  identity,  citizen,  vital,  far,  bury,  rediscover,  term,  irritate, those (人々)


★ 1. 直接話法、間接話法
★ 2. 使役動詞の受動態・・ She made John wash her car, の受動態は・・・John was made to wash her car.
★ 3. 強調構文 Tom broke the window.  Tomを強調する場合は、It was Tom that ( who ) broke the window.
★ 4. with + 名詞、of + 名詞 の使い方、 with ease = easily  ,  of  use = useful



SINCE 1985
