中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson4 : [ 不定詞の色々1 ]


4.be + 形容詞+不定詞

 1. 形式目的語

I found it difficult to repair the bike by myself.
SVOC構文で目的語it = to~~、自分で自転車を直す事が難しいと分かった。
It is difficult for me to repair the bike by myself.
これは形式主語の構文です。主語it = to~~~.

2. 結果を表す不定詞

I got home to find the door was not locked.
I woke up to find myself lying on the floor.

3. 形容詞を修飾する不定詞

This math problem is very difficult to solve.
= It is very difficult to solve this math problem. 形式主語に書き換えることが出来ます。

4.  be+形容詞+to不定詞

She is sure to win the contest.  =  I`m sure she will win the contest.

5.  Be careful not to forget your umbrella.

忘れない様に気を付けて。の場合は to not forget にならないように気を付けて。



1. そうする事は鹿にとって草木に届くことをより簡単にした。
2. 彼女はケーキ作りに挑戦したが失敗に終わった。
3. 彼は日本を出てカナダに向かったが二度と帰ることはなかった。
4. 私の叔父は100歳になるまで生きた。
5. マイクと話すのは楽しい。
6. 私は喜んであなたの宿題のお手伝いをします。
7. 明日は雨が降りそうです。
8. 彼女は留学を切望している。
9. 私達は会議に出る準備はできています。
10. 彼らはしきりにあなたに会いたがっていた。
11. 訪問者は鹿に獲つけをしない様言われた。
12. 私達は彼女に会わないと決めた。
13. この川で泳ぐのは危険です。
14. 子供たちは外へ出てはいけないと言われた。
15. 彼女はPCを直そうとしたがかえって状態は悪くなる一方だった。

正解と解説 :

1. Doing so makes it easier for the deer to reach vegetation. 仮目的語
2. She tried to bake a cake, only to fail. 結果
3. He left Japan for Canada, never to return. 結果
4. My uncle lived to be 100. 結果
5. Mike is pleasant to talk to. 形容詞pleasant を修飾 
6. I`m willing to help you with your homework. Be + 形容詞 + to不定詞
7. It is likely to rain tomorrow.
8. She is eager to study abroad.
9. We are ready to attend the meeting.
10. They were anxious to meet you.
11. The visitors were told not to feed the deer. 不定詞の否定形
12. We decided not to see her. 不定詞の否定形
13. This river is dangerous to swim in. 形容詞dangerousを修飾
14. The children were told not to go outside. 不定詞の否定形
15. She tried to fix her computer only to find things were getting worse 結果

テストに出るかも?  復習問題


Biodiversity, (  ①   )biological diversity, is a word (  ②  )describes the many kinds of life forms on Earth. It also describes the balance of life in a particular climate or terrain, (   ③   ) the variations within a group or { a }. Biodiversity is essential (  ④   ) for the health of the planet, but also for our own { a }. Today ⑧the Earth`s biodiversity is being threatened. More than 17000{a } around the world are (   ⑤   ) extinction. Nearly 8500 { a } of plants are (  ⑥  ). If steps are not taken⑨to reverse these trends,(   ⑦    ) will be lost in a chain reaction, and eventually it will be possible for us⑩ to survive.

not only,  that,  one species after another,  what,  short for,  under threat,  in danger of extinction, but also,  as well as,  then



〔4〕⑨の不 定詞と同じ意味で使われている文章は以下のどれでしょうか?
    a.  I found it easy to read the book.
    b.  I`m happy to see you.
    c.  He went to the park to play soccer.

    a.  He went to America, never to return.
    b.  He is pleasant to talk to.
    c.  It`s difficult for us to solve the problem.

正解と解説 :
〔1〕① short for , ② that,  ③ as well as ,  ④ not only , ⑤ in danger of extinction,
⑥ under threat  ⑦  one species after another
〔3〕We are threatening the Earth`s biodiversity.
〔4〕C  副詞的用法の目的
〔5〕C  仮主語

  For many years, people and nature ①have coexisted on Yakushima. But today, as in many otherareas around the world, biodiversity on the island is being threatened. ②One of the many reason of this is said to be the damage caused by the yakushika, one of Yakushima`s native animals. This type of deer, the smallest in Japan, can be found throughout the island`s forests. There are somewhere between 12000and 16000 yakushika on the island. They move ( ③群れで  ) and ④eat the trees, ferns and other flora find in the island`s forests.
     However, there are ( ⑤ )⑥that the deer will eat up the precious vegetation of Yakushima. ⑦The Vegeation of Yakushimna is disappear.  Why is this happening? Is there anything we can do ⑧(  )(  ) (  )solve the problem? A study was conducted by some researchers to better understand ( ⑨   ) is happening there.

    a.  I have been to America before.
    b.  She has studied English since she was a child.
    c.  He has already done his homework.

     ②この文章をIt を書き出しに書き換えましょう。

〔3〕  (   )を英作しましょう。

〔4〕 間違いがあります。どれでしょうか?

〔5〕 心配事 という単語は?

    a.  He found the watch that I had been looking for.
    b.  He denied the fact that Mary won the game.
    c.  It is he that broke the window.

〔8〕 ~するために という意味の熟語を入れましょう。(3語)

〔9〕 適語を入れましょう。

〔10〕Please answer the following questions in English.
    a.  Is biodiversity on the island being threatened?
    b.  Who causes the damage?
    c.  Did some researchers conduct a study to better understand the situation on Yakushima?

正解と解説 :
〔1〕b   現在完了の継続
〔2〕reasons for  が正解です。manyですから複数のs, ~の理由=reason for~ です。
    It is said that one of the many reasons for this the damage caused by the yakushika.
〔3〕in herds
〔4〕find ではなく過去分詞のfound が正解です。
〔6〕b  同格のthat です。 a 関係態名詞、c 強調構文のthat
〔7〕 disappearing が正解。現在進行形です。
〔8〕in order to
〔10〕a.  Yes, it is.
    b.  The yakushika does.
    c.  Yes, they did.

The researchers noticed that there were three kinds of damage (① occur )on Yakushima.First, trees and ferns are ( ②disappear ) along the paths (  ③   ) yakushika are most often seen.
 It was also found ⑯that the bark of trees in the forest is peeling withering,(④make) it difficult for the trees to grow. The plants most ⑤(favor) by the yakushika are (②disappear ) most ( ⑥a  ), (  ⑦  ) those the deer dislike are (②disappear )most ( ⑥b  ).( ⑧  ) , deer love ⑨to eat tree bark, ( ⑩  ) explains the peeling trees.
    Thirdly,⑱the yakushika seem to especially like the bark of citrus fruit trees, such ( ⑪  ) ponkan mandarin and tankan,( ⑫ ) provide Yakushima`s major agricultural products. This harms not only the vegetation, ( ⑬  )(  ⑬   ) the business and industry of the island. From these points, the researchers supposed ⑭that it is possible⑮that the deer are partly ( ⑰blame ) for the damage.



    a. which          b. where         c. when         d. that


〔6〕⑥a⑥b に入る組み合わせで一番適しているのはどれでしょうか?
    1, slowly  rapidly     2. rapidly  slowly    3.  fast  slow
    a. where          b. which         c. while         d. when

    a. Furthermore,    b. Meanwhile    c. Thus         d. Otherwise

    a. I`m happy to see you.
    b. I went to the library to read books.
    c. He is willing to help you.
    d. She likes to sing a song.

    a. that             b. when          c. which


    a. what            b. who            c. which

〔13〕 適語を入れましょう。

〔14〕〔15〕〔16〕 同じ使い方のthat はどれとどれでしょうか?

〔17〕 正しい形に変えましょう。

〔18〕 It の書き出し文に書き換えましょう。

正解と解説 :
〔1〕occurring 現在分詞
〔2〕disappearing 現在分詞
〔3〕b 関係副詞
〔4〕making 分詞構文
〔5〕favored 過去分詞
〔7〕c while は「~する間」の他に「~の一方」「~~だが、」という意味もあります。
〔13〕but also
〔14〕〔15〕〔16〕⑮と⑯が同じ用法。 形式主語it を表すthat節。
〔17〕to blame
〔18〕It seems that the yakushika like the bark of citrus fruit trees.


Biodiversity, short for, terrain, species, threaten, reverse, trend, one~after another, chain, cause and effect,Biologically, diverse, roughly, dense, endanger, exceptional, range, elevation, rainfall, millimeter, resident,Coexist, herd, fern, flora, eat up, precious, conduct, path, bark, peel, wither, rapidly, furthermore, thirdly,
Citrus, mandarin, agricultural, harm, partly, blame for, sunlight, regrow, lush, feed, all-you can-eat, buffet, Unintentional, noticeable, effect, hunter, in addition, thrive, mild, survival, responsibility, solution, In cooperation with, ministry, attempt, unintended, consequence, ecosystem, eliminate, harmful, Be under threat, due to~, lead to,


★ 不定詞の使い方色々
4、be +形容詞+不定詞




SINCE 1985
