中高一貫校生対策 プロ家庭教師


Lesson5 : [ 不定詞の色々2]



1. 自動詞+不定詞

Curling has come to be popular throughout the world since the 1800s.
come to be~
She happened to be at the scene of the traffic accident
happen to be~ =たまたま~する、彼女は偶然にも事故現場に居合わせた。

2. 不定詞の受動態と進行形

We hope to be invited to the ceremony next month.
to be invited  =招待される事、 私達はその式典に招待されることを望みます。
Anger against the government seems to be growing among people.
to be growing  = 高まっている、 政府への反感感情が人々の間で高まっているようです。

3. be 動詞+不定詞 ;  予定、義務、命令、運命、意図 を表す。

She is to visit America next summer.              


You are to take part in the morning practice.        

He was never to see his hometown again during his life.    



If your team is to win, you must practice every day.  




4.  独立不定詞

To begin with, I must apologize for taking so long time.
Needless to say, Japan is one of the world`s major nations.
To be frank with you,・・率直に言うと、
To be honest,・・正直に言うと、
To tell the truth,・・実を言うと、

5.  代不定詞

You can join our team if you want to.( join our team.) (  )の文章を省略する事もある。



1. このラジオは直す必要がある。 不定詞の受動態
2. 私は偶然道で先生に会った。 動詞+不定詞
3. 彼は何か他の事を考えているようです。 不定詞の進行形
4. 彼女はみんなに好かれたいと思っている。 不定詞の受動態
5. 彼らは来月結婚する予定です。 be+to~予定
6. あなたはそれを土曜日までに終わらせないといけません。 be+to~義務
7. 公園には人っ子一人見当たらなかった。 be+to~可能
8. もしも成功したいのならば、あなたは一生懸命働かなければならない。 代不定詞
9. まず第一に、彼女は若すぎる。 独立不定詞
10. 正直に言うと、私は行きたくないのです。 独立不定詞
11. 彼女は明日ここに来る予定です。 be+to~予定
12. そこに行きたくないのであれば、行ってはいけません。 代不定詞

正解と解説 :

1. This radio needs to be fixed.
2. I happened to see my teacher on the street.
3. He seems to be thinking of something else.
4. She wants to be liked by everybody.
5. They are to get married next month.
6. You are to finish it by Saturday.
7. Not a person was to be found in the park.
8. If you are to succeed, you must work hard.
9. To begin with, she is too young.
10. To tell the truth, I don`t want to go.
11. She is to be here tomorrow.
12. Don`t go there if you don`t want to(go).

テストに出るかも?  復習問題


Curling is a sport ( ① ) ( ①  ) players slide large, heavy stones across the ice ②to reach a target.
It began in Scotland in the 1500s and spread ④to other parts of Europe and North American in 1800s.
Since then, ⑤it has (⑤)( ⑤) be popular throughout the world ( ⑥)( ⑥) the strategy and skill ⑦it requires.
Players must ( ⑧ )( ⑧ )possess the( ⑨a  )strength ⑩to slide the stones across the ice, but also develop the ( ⑨b ) skills for planning their moves ⑪to defeat their opponents. These qualities have earned the sport the name “ chess on ice. “ Since 1998⑫ it has been an official sport in the ( ⑬  )Olympics.


〔2〕〔4〕〔10〕〔11〕使い方が異なるto があります。どれでしょう?

〔3〕It は何を指していますか?

〔5〕「それは世界中で人気になっている。」という意味になるよう( )(  )に適語を入れましょう。

    a.  in which    b.  because of     c.  but for
〔7〕skill と it の間に入る適語を入れましょう。

    a.  not only    b.  at which       c. so as

〔9〕 ⑨a, ⑨bに入る適語の組み合わせで一番適切なのはどれでしょう?(a,bの順です)
    a.  mental , physical    b.  physical , mental     c.  sensible ,  sensitive

    a.  I have been to Kyoto.
    b.  It has been raining for 2 days.
    c.  She has just been to the station.


    a.  When and where did Curling begin?
    b.  What must players possess?

正解と解説 :
〔1〕in which
〔2〕②は方向を表す前置詞のto , それ以外は 目的を表す不定詞のto. 故に正解は②
〔5〕come to
〔7〕that か which 関係代名詞が省略されています。
〔8〕a  ,(カンマ)のあとにbut also があります。
〔12〕b  継続の現在完了。a  は経験、cは「~してきたところです。」
〔14〕a  It began in Scotland in the 1500s.
         b. They must possess the physical strength to slide the stones across the ice.

Curling matches are played on a sheet of ice that measures around ①(長さ45m, 幅 5m ).
At each end of the (② ) is the target, or “ house,” ( ③  ) comprises three concentric rings. The largest one
measures (④ 直径3.66m ). The main (⑤)used in curling is the ( ⑥ ), (  ⑦  ) weighs between 17 and 20 kilograms, and the ( ⑧  ), (  ⑦  ) has a long ( ⑨ ) and is used to sweep the ice (  ⑩  ).

〔1〕 英文にしましょう
〔2〕 ②⑤⑥⑧⑨の( )に入る適語を下から選びましょう。
    broom,  sheet,  equipment,  handle,  stone,
〔3〕 適語を選びましょう。
    a.  when     b.  which    c.  why
〔4〕 英文にしましょう。
〔7〕 適語を入れましょう。
    a.  that      b.  while     c.  which
〔10〕 石の前で、という意味の英文にしましょう。

正解と解説 :
〔1〕45 meters in length and 5 meters in width
〔2〕sheet  ⑤ equipment  ⑥ stone  ⑧ broom  ⑨ handle
〔4〕3.66 meters in diameter
〔7〕c   「 、that 」は間違いです。
〔10〕in front of the stone

    (① )sliding the stone, the other factor that determines the success of a team`s game is sweeping.
Before a game, water is ( ②  ) on the ice to ( ③ )and form particles that make the ( ④ ) of the ice rougher.
(⑤ makes, more quickly, which, think, the stone, do, glide, you ): ( ⑥ )ice with lots of particles, or ( ⑦ ) ice with a slightly ⑧melt surface? The answer is ( ⑨  ) ice. The goal of sweeping is ⑲to change the (⑩ ) on the ice to alter the stone`s path, causing it to move faster, slower, to the left or to the right. Before a stone is thrown, (⑪ where, located, the skip, the other stones, looks at, are )and decides where the team`s stone should be placed. After one player throws the stone, the skip calls to the sweepers ( ⑫    ).
When a team wants to cause its stone to go (  ⑬ )and ( ⑭ ), the sweepers must sweep the ice in front of the stone. This makes the stone slide a few meters (  ⑬   ).
  People ( ⑮ ) do not know the sport of curling well may joke that it is not particularly interesting or ⑯challenge. When it became an official Olympic sport, there was considerable debate (⑰ worthy, it, such an honor, over, was, of, whether ).
However, those (⑮ ) question this need only try it once ⑲to see that it
requires much more strength ( ⑱ ) it appears to. It takes a great amount of mental skill as well as physical skill. Curling`s centuries of popularity has created many modern-day fans ( ⑮  ) can help you understand the appeal of this so called “ chess on ice. “

    friction,  sprinkled,  In addition to,  freeze,  surface
⑤ 意味の通る文章になるよう並び替えましょう
⑥⑦ それぞれに入る適語の2語は以下のどれでしょうか?
    a.  smooth, rough    b, rough, smooth
⑧ 正しい形に書き換えましょう。
⑨ 適語を入れましょう。
⑪ 意味の通る文章になるよう並び替えましょう。
⑫「 掃き方 」という意味になるよう3語を入れましょう。

⑬⑭ それぞれに入る適語の2語は以下のどれでしょうか?
    a.   further, straighter    b, farther, straighter,

⑮ 適語を入れましょう。

⑯ 正しい形に書き換えましょう。

⑰ 意味の通る文章になるよう並び替えましょう。

⑱ 適語を入れましょう

⑲ それぞれの不定詞の使い方は同じでしょうか?

⑳ 以下の質問に英語で答えましょう。
    a. What determines the success of a team`s game?
    b. Why is Curling called “ chess on ice “?

正解と解説 :
① In addition to,  ② sprinkled   ③ freeze   ④ surface   ⑩ friction
⑤ Which do you think makes the stone glide more quickly
⑥ b
⑧ melted
⑨ smooth
⑪ the skip looks at where the other stones are located
⑫ how to sweep
⑬ b  further・・・程度を表します。
⑮ who 関係代名詞の主格
⑯ challenging
⑰ over whether it was worthy of such an honor
⑱ than        much more strength という比較級に対応するのはthanです。
⑲ 違います。   to change は、補語を意味する名詞用法。to seeは、目的を意味する副詞用法。
⑳ a.  Sweeping does.
    b.  Because it takes a great amount of mental skill as well as physical skill.


slide, strategy, possess, mental, defeat, length, width, comprise, concentric, diameter, weigh, kilogram,broom, handle, sweep, release, instruction, skip, offensive, defensive, prevent A from B, preceding,position, skillful, work out, beforehand, adapt, actual, throw-threw-thrown, in addition to~, factor,
determine, sprinkle, freeze, glide, slightly, melt, friction, alter, sweeper, considerable, debate, worthy,honor, popularity, appeal, so-called, pity, concentration, pressure, needless to say, to be frank with you, to be honest, to tell the truth,


★ 不定詞の使い方色々
1. 自動詞+不定詞
2. 不定詞の受動態と進行形
3. be動詞+不定詞
4. 独立不定詞
5. 代不定詞



SINCE 1985
